3 Great Patterns for Your Outdoor Deck Design

Adding a new pattern to your deck design can add style and give your deck a new look. In today’s post, local exterior remodeling contractor Timberland Exteriors shares some deck patterns you should consider when designing your new deck.

patterns to consider when designing your outdoor deck

Diagonal Decking

Diagonal decking involves installing the boards at a 45-degree angle across the joists and framing. It’s important to note right off the bat that diagonal decking will utilize more material and require more labor compared to “standard” decking. However, diagonally-installed boards can increase the strength of the deck frame and make sway bracing unnecessary. Generally, switching to a diagonal decking increases the waste factor by as much as 15%, but this can be reduced by properly planning the installation with your decking contractor.

Herringbone Decking

This variation of a diagonal decking involves two opposing diagonal decking that meets in the middle. A herringbone pattern (pictured) requires cutting the ends of the boards at an angle so they create clearly-defined straight lines where the boards meet. The lines can be filled with framing or a board that spans the length of the deck. A zipper pattern involves cutting the board ends square and orienting them in a staggered or zipper-like pattern.

Herringbone decking and its variations are built using shorter boards, so your decking and residential roofing service contractor will have to add blocking to the frame below for structural support. If you are using composite decking instead of wood, ask your contractor if you can use contrasting colors or finishes for visual effect.

Horizontal Decking

A “standard” decking pattern can be considered as vertical, which means horizontal decking, in this context, means flipping the pattern 90 degrees. However, instead of the boards going in one direction, consider combining horizontal and vertical patterns to emphasize certain parts of the deck. The boards can meet herringbone or zipper-style as described above.

Timberland Exteriors is your leading provider of decking and roofing services, including hail storm damage restoration. Give us a call at (651) 374-9858 or (218) 514-5177. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve customers in Detroit Lakes, MN, and the surrounding communities in Minnesota.